Saturday 28 December 2019

Manfaat Minyak Zaitun Untuk Bayi

Khasiat Minyak Zaitun untuk Kesehatan Bayi Selain bisa diaplikasikan pada orang dewasa, minyak zaitun ternyata juga dapat Ibu berikan pada bayi untuk menjaga kesehatannya.Apa saja sih sebenarnya khasiat minyak zaitun untuk bayi? 


1. Pelembab Alami Minyak zaitun akan membantu menjaga kelembapan kulitnya sepanjang hari. Dengan kondisi kulit yang segar, lembut, dan terjaga kelembapannya, bayi pun akan mudah untuk tidur dengan lelap. 

2. Pencegah Ruam Popok Ruam popok ini biasanya dapat terjadi karena pengaruh keringat atau kondisi popok yang basah. Cara untuk mencegahnya adalah dengan mengoleskan minyak zaitun pada pantat bayi setelah mengganti popoknya. 

3. Menjaga Kesehatan Rambut Selain untuk kesehatan, penggunaan minyak zaitun untuk bayi juga bisa membantu untuk mempercantik rambutnya agar tampak bercahaya, lebih kuat, lebat, dan lembut. Selain mengonsumsi langsung secara rutin dengan izin dari dokter, Ibu dapat memperoleh manfaat minyak berkhasiat ini dari produk-produk sampo berbasis zaitun untuk bayi. 

4. Mengurangi Konstipasi Bayi sering mengalami konstipasi, terutama yang sudah mulai makan MPASI. Minyak zaitun untuk bayi bisa menjadi salah satu cara untuk mengurangi masalah pencernaan tersebut. Caranya adalah dengan menggosokkan minyak zaitun hangat ke perut bayi dengan gerakan searah jarum jam. Perutnya pun akan terasa lebih nyaman dan ia dapat tidur dengan nyenyak. 

5. Mencegah Penyakit Jantung dan Kanker minyak zaitun dikenal memiliki banyak vitamin diantaranya adalah vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, dan vitamin B kompleks. Kandungan vitamin-vitamin tersebut dapat menghindarkan tubuh bayi dari risiko penyakit jantung dan kanker.

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Monday 11 November 2019

Benefits of Lemongrass for Body Health

According to research, Lemongrass leaves have a rich essential oil content consisting of, citric acid, sitronelol, Kamfen, Sabinene, and so on. Usually cultivate the most commonly used lemongrass leaves is by boiling it and making it a lemongrass tea for consumption. Lemongrass is also one of the herbal plants that has a lot of benefits for both health and beauty.

Lemongrass has antifungal antibacterial and antimicrobial content which can make lemongrass has a lot of benefits. This herb contains vitamin A Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 vitamin C and folate. Here are some benefits of citronella leaves for healthy body:

1. Treating infections
A study shows, that lemongrass leaves have a content of anti-microbial and anti-bacterial substances. These compounds are beneficial for treating infections in the stomach, intestines, urinary tract, and skin.

2. Facilitate digestion.
In lemongrass leaves there are compounds that can help to kill the bad bacteria and increase the amount of good bacteria in the intestines. It helps to launch the digestive system so that the body is spared from diseases such as diarrhea, flatulence, and constipation.

3. Lose weight.
By consuming water decoction of lemongrass leaves able to detoxify and remove excess fat through BAB. In addition, lemongrass leaves can also lose weight naturally, making the body shape look more ideal.

From exposure above, the benefits of lemongrass leaves not only for makannan flavoring only, but for the health of the body. So let's make the most of this plant.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Health Secrets in Potatoes

Do you know that potatoes are one of the tuber-shaped vegetable plants. Many of these bulbs have been processed and served in various foods from the form of chips, food dishes, etc.

Potatoes also have a lot of wills for the health of the body. First for cardiovascular health, because according to researchers based on NHANES proves that higher potassium intake and lower sodium intake with risk reduction of all causes of death and heart disease.

Well potatoes also contain a lot of fiber that can help lower the total amount of cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. Not only the potatoes that contain wills. If you rebrand it with her skin can improve the child's brain function. 

Although the function of the brain is influenced by several factors, ranging from glucose levels, oxygen supply, various complex components of vitamin B, certain hormones, amino acids, and fatty acids such as omega-3. All of that will synergize with the fibers in it.

Well already know, although this tuber grows in the ground. But the will in it can maintain the health of human body.

Monday 28 October 2019

Benefits of Coriander for Human Health

Coriander is one of the spices that must be in the kitchen because it is one of the basic spices of various Indonesian specialties. In addition to enriching flavors of the cuisine, the coriander is also able to provide various health benefits.
Coriander, Seeds, Seasoning, Ingredient

Coriander is also often mixed as a spice kitchen is no need to doubt. In reality, some types of kitchen seasoning turned out to have benefits for health, it is also true for coriander. In addition to being useful as a flavoured, coriander can also help with various body problems related to health and beauty.

The process of making herbal medicine from coriander is easy to be applied so that it is easy to apply in the community, by being dragged and then brewed with hot water. As much as 1 teaspoon of coriander powder that is brewed in a glass of water then drunk regularly once a day can provide benefits that are very felt for the body. But please note that the coriander powder should be stored in a dry, tightly sealed and protected from light so that the chemical content of the drug in it is not lost or damaged.

1.Maintain dental and oral health. Coriander can also maintain dental and oral health. Coriander has anagetic properties that can help relieve toothache. In addition, this plant has antibacterial properties so it is good to maintain the health of the teeth and mouth, because one of the main problem of tooth and mouth problems is bacteria.

2.Overcoming indigestion. The benefits of the next coriander are to overcome indigestion. If routine use of coriander can overcome irritable bowel syndrome. Coriander can also overcome digestive problems such as diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, and intestinal worms. Antioxidant content in the seeds of coriander is believed to help bowel movements and help the production of digestive enzymes.

3.Overcoming fungal and bacterial infections. In addition, other coriander benefits are able to cope with fungal infections. This plant has a lot of benefits, making this plant is sought after to overcome various diseases caused by fungi and bacteria, including conjunctivitis and skin infections caused by bacteria and fungi.

From the above exposure, coriander has a lot of efficacy for the health of the body. So let's make use of this plant with the most for the health of human body.

Friday 25 October 2019

Benefits of Lemon Water

Lemon in the scientific language called Citrus Limon is one of the most popular fruits in the world. In general the flavor of lemon juice is very acidic so it is very rare that eating the contents of the whole lemon fruit like eating citrus fruit or apple fruit. There are many ways to consume fruit that is sour and a lot of useful is by mixing with water so that it becomes lemon water, slice it into thin slices then eat it or as sour taste in various foods and dishes.
Lemon, Juicy, Slices, Yellow, Citrus

Lemon juice has a lot of vitamins, minerals and compounds that are beneficial to human health. There are several plant compounds found in lemon fruit such as citric acid, Hesperidin, Diosmin, Eriocitrin and D-Limonene.

Can brighten skin. The benefits of lemon for dull face is brightening face. Vitamin C in lemon will remove dead skin cells so that the skin will look much brighter. Here's how, make the lemon juice by buying it first then squeezed. Then add 2 teaspoons of honey into the lemon and stir until blended. Honey will smooth the skin, but can also be replaced with water or rose water if the material is not yet available. A mixture of lemon and honey can be applied to all parts of the face, let stand 15 minutes then rinse. For best results, do this 1 time a week.

1.Controlling weight loss, lemon is often referred to as weight-loss foods. There are some theories about it. In pectin fibers or heavy molecular substances contained in the ripe fruit, the soluble in them expands on the stomach. Therefore lemon helps to make satiety longer.

2.Hair care, lemon juice is beneficial in a wide-scale hair treatment. This fruit can also cope with dandruff, hair loss and other problems related to hair and scalp. If applying lemon juice directly to the hair, it turns out that it can make your hair sparkle to natural shine.

 3.Dental care, lemon is also very important in dental care, such as gargle with fresh lemon juice can apparently help in getting rid of tooth pain. The efficacy of lemon fruit on gums can stop bleeding gums. This also prevents the stench and other problems associated with the gums.

From the above exposure to lemon juice, it has many benefits for the efficacy of the body. So let's make use of this fruit, to prevent the disease that affects the body.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Benefits of Basil for Body Health

Basil is a member of the family Lamiaceae which means group of plants with a lipped flower. The genius name of Basil is ocimum which means scented plants. There is such a distinctive emerge from its leaves. Basil is close relative to basil plants (Ocimum sancium), mint leaves, and leaves waking up aka cumin leaves. Mint leaves in the plain of Sunda known as karesmen, prevalent in raw lalab. The closest relative to Basil is basil (Ocimum amboinicus). This is the kind of basil in Indonesia. Because of the growth of the examine, basil grouped the results of Samak (Bush Basil).

Basil, in cart, harvested, picking, fresh, green
According to  "List of food ingredients content " Directorate of Nutrition Department of Health RI, basil including vegetables rich provitamin A. Every 100 g basil leaves are contained 5,000 SI Vitamin A. Other advantages, basil including vegetables that contain many minerals Calcium and phosphorus, namely as much as 45 and 75 mg per 100 g basil leaves.

That is why, when we face problems with body odor, bad breath, or stalled breast milk, can be overcome by getting used to consuming fresh basil vegetables. Another way to drink the scent of basil leaves has been puree together with the leaves and turmeric leaves.

According to a research team from the Center for new crops and plant product, Purdue University, USA, Basil leaves proved to be potent to heal headaches, colds, diarrhea, constipation, intestinal worms, and kidney disorders. They also convey the efficacy of treatment using basil leaves that can overcome heartburn, flatulence, wind, convulsions, and lethargic bodies. In addition the scent of basil can resist mosquito bites.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Benefits of Lime Leaves for Body Health

Lime is one type of citrus fruit that is often used as a beverage ingredient. Lime is famous for containing a variety of nutrients such as high vitamin C, anti-oxidant substance, and some kinds of essential acids. Lime leaves have shapes like other types of citrus leaves. Lime leaves have a single size with a variety of sizes. On the leaves of this plant secrete a fresh scent such as lime fruit. When in tears the leaves will produce a unique smell of essential acid oil. These benefits that make lime leaves are often made for perfume fragrance ingredients, deodorizer rooms and eliminate unpleasant smells on food.
Lemon, tree, lime, green, nature, plant, leaf
This leaf is known as a leaf that can produce a very strong aroma. Inside each blade of lime leaves contains an extract of aroma consisting of different types of essential oils. There are two distinctive aroma types, including citrus and citronelal aromas.

  • Improve sleep quality. Being able to get a good sleep will make the body more comfortable. Even while we sleep actually the body is doing its job for some organs including the metabolic process. If people can not sleep well because of various things then can drink tea from lime leaves before bedtime. The resulting compound can soothe and make the body more comfortable. In addition, a stew of lime leaf tea can also relieve fatigue.
  • Relieve respiratory disorders. Respiratory disorders that can be caused by allergies or other reactions can also be treated with lime leaves. Extracts on lime leaves that have been boiled in honey water can give a warm effect to the throat and respiratory tract. This way has been used since antiquity and it is very effective to overcome the feeling of tightness and breath less relieved.
  • Cure diarrhea. Diarrhea can be caused by some things like food that is less clean and triggers the growth of bacteria in the colon. In addition, it can also be caused by the wind or the condition of the body is weak. To cure diarrhea, you can chew the lime leaves that have been destroyed. It tastes a little bitter but can be added sugar or a spoon of honey. The efficacy of lime leaves can improve digestion quality and relieve discomfort.

From exposure above, the benefits of citrus leaves are very important for the health of the human body, so that's why we use this plant. To be taken the efficacy in it.